Classroom Analytics

Classroom analytics are made up of a combination of data from the LearnDash database and Google Analytics 4. This data is displayed in a Looker Studio dashbaord as well as a Tableau desktop dashboard. The following steps cover the monthly ETL process.

Extracting data from LearnDash database

  • Clone the Tableau repository on your local machine
git clone
  • Connect to LearnDash database using favorite MySQL/MariaDB GUI flavor (i.e. SequelAce)
    • IPs and Login credentials can be found in the Kinsta dashoard under "classroom" site info
  • Open and run course queries located in the Tableau repositiory
    • tableau_learnDash_courses.sql
    • Update view name on line 4 to match previous month
    • Update date range on line 52 from 1/1 of current year to first day of current month and year
    • Run view query
    • Run select all query on the created view
    • Export results as .CSV file
4   CREATE VIEW `course_view_2023_01_07` AS (

52  AND from_unixtime(COALESCE(ld_course.activity_started,ld_course.activity_updated)) BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2023-08-01 00:00:00'
SELECT * FROM `course_view_2023_01_07`;
  • Open and run quiz queries located in the Tableau repositiory
    • tableau_learnDash_quizzes.sql
    • Update view name on line 4 to match previous month
    • Update date range on line 73 from 1/1 of current year to first day of current month and year
    • Run view query
    • Run a select all query on the created view
    • Export results as .CSV file
4   CREATE VIEW `quiz_view_2023_01_[previous month]` AS (

73  AND from_unixtime(quiz_completed.activity_meta_value) BETWEEN '2023-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2023-08-01 00:00:00'
SELECT * FROM `quiz_view_2023_01_07`;
  • Open .CSV files in MS Excel
  • Save files as .XLSX in Tableua/Extract/LearnDash
  • Use the following naming convention:
    • 2023_01_07_LearnDash_courses.xlsx
    • 2023_01_07_LearnDash_quizzes.xlsx
    • Delete the previous month's files from the directory but leave the previous year files in place

Load data into Tableau Prep Builder

Download Tableua Prep Builder and Tableua Desktop

  • Licenses obtained through TechSoup Request ID #2681660

Open LearnDash_Data_Transformer.tfl using Tableau Prep builder

  • In the Connections list on the top left of the screen, scroll down to the previous month's file
  • Click the arrow and select Edit
  • Select the new month's file
  • The flow should update and clear any errors, you can view this in the top right corner

Updating the connection in Tableau

  • Scroll to the right of the flow and click the play button next to the "Master" icon
  • When prompted, select "Replace" to overwrite the existing file

Run the master flow in Tableau

Load Dashboard in Tableau Desktop

Open LearnDash_Dashboard.tfl using Tabeleau Desktop

  • Select "Month, Year of Universal Date" dropdown menu and select previous month
  • Double check that previous month data is in the graph
  • Select File > Export Packaged Workbook
  • Save workbook in Tableau/read/
  • Save as "2018_0101_2023_0731_LearnDash_Dashboard.twbx"
  • Upload file to Google Drive

Export packaged workbook

Import Data into Google Drive

Import courses excel file (2023_01_07_LearnDash_courses.xlsx) into Google Drive

  • Add 3 new columns to the end of the file
    • start_date (P)
    • updated_date (Q)
    • universal_date (R)
  • Set start_date = column I
  • Set updated_date = column K
  • Insert formula below into column R (universal_date)
  • Set custom date format of YYYY-MM-DD for columns P-R

Update Google Sheets

Update Looker Studio

Open Looker Studio Dashboard

  • Navigate to the Classroom page in the dashboard (page 6) and update the following
  • Active Students scorecard
    • Delete data source and import new file from Google Drive
    • Date Range Dimension = universal_date
    • Create custom metric, Unique Student ID
  • Blend Total Users and Active Students to create % Active
  • GED Enrollments
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Date Range Dimension = start_date
    • Metric = Record Count
    • Filter = LD GED
  • Citizenship Enrollments
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Date Range Dimension = start_date
    • Metric = Record Count
    • Filter = LD Citz
  • Enrollment Table
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Date Range Dimension = start_date
    • Dimensions = course_distinction + Language (course_id)
    • Metric = Record Count
  • GED Completed Courses
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Date Range Dimension = universal_date
    • Metric = Record Count
    • Filter = LD GED + LD Completed filter
  • Citizenship Completed Courses
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Date Range Dimension = universal_date
    • Metric = Record Count
    • Filter = LD Citz + LD Completed filter
  • YTD Active Students
    • Replace data source with current file
    • Dimension = universal_date
    • Metric = Record Count