App Setup

The app requires node and ionic-cli to run. The easiest way to install Node is with nvm (Node version manager). This allows you to install different versions of Node.

Once nvm is installed, install Node v8.15.0 (this is the version tested with the repo)

nvm install 12.10.0

We then need to install Ionic and Cordova globally:

npm install -g @ionic/cli

(being aware of the versions of each) and then install all dependencies:

npm install

You then need to edit a environment.ts file in the src/environments of the repo with some environment variables:

GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY (lookup in Google cloud account)

Note that in the above file, the API is running on the local machine. You can change this value to if you want your local app instance to use the staging server instead. Furthremore, you will need to update this value when you are building, running or emulating the app as a native mobile app.

Finally you can run the web app locally with:

ionic serve